Open Heat Meditation - An invitation to relax
Open Heart Meditation has recommenced at Burnie Community House.
It’s well documented the health benefits of meditation. Have you ever given it a go?? It can certainly be a hard skill to learn but one worth persevering for. There are many styles of mediation and one size does certainly not fit all.
Burnie Community House has a group mediation session occurring every Friday at 1.30pm. This meditation is called Open Heart Meditation and is a sitting meditation. It is coordinated by Dianne who had this to say:
“I started my Open Heart path in May 2017 and got so much benefit that I felt to talk to Tracy about holding it at the House. We started in July 2018 and 20 people have attended over that time.
"Open Heart Meditation is a remarkably simple, yet effective, heart-based practice that is centred on 'feeling', making this practice purely experiential.
Open Heart Meditation has helped many people reduce their stress-levels a lot, and to heal on a deep, internal level, enabling them to cope much better emotionally and allow the natural healing process to occur much faster.
In addition, this practice is universal and non-denominational. It encourages respect for all beliefs."
Irmansyah Effendi now has a YouTube channel where anyone can join Open Heart Meditation at any time. Duration is approximately 20 minutes.”